Showing 22 art terms
Art Term
Fairy painting
Fairy painting is particularly associated with the Victorian period, art that depicts fairies and other subjects from the supernatural
Art Term
Fancy picture
Fancy picture refers to a type of eighteenth century painting that depict scenes of everyday life but with elements of …
Art Term
Fantastic realism
The term fantastic realism refers to the work of a group of painters working in the late 1950s in Vienna …
Art Term
Fauvism is the name applied to the work produced by a group of artists (which included Henri Matisse and André …
Art Term
Federal Art Project
The Federal Art Project was an American government programme to give work to unemployed artists during the Great Depression of …
Art Term
Feminist art
Feminist art is art by artists made consciously in the light of developments in feminist art theory in the early …
Art Term
Festac (Second Festival of Black Arts and Culture)
Festac (Second Festival of Black Arts and Culture) was an ambitious festival of arts, music, dance, literature and culture held …
Art Term
Figurative art
Figurative art describes any form of modern art that retains strong references to the real world and particularly to the …
Art Term
Filamaktion were a loose-knit group of experimental British filmmakers who worked and performed together in the early 1970s
Art Term
Fin de Siècle
Fin de Siècle is a French phrase meaning 'end of century' and is applied specifically as a historical term to …
Art Term
Flâneur is a French term used by nineteenth-century French poet Charles Baudelaire to identify an observer of modern urban life
Art Term
Fluxus is an international avant-garde collective or network of artists and composers founded in the1960s and still continuing today
Art Term
Foreshortening refers to the technique of depicting an object or human body in a picture so as to produce an …
Art Term
In relation to art the term form has two meanings: it can refer to the overall form taken by the …
Art Term
Formalism is the study of art based solely on an analysis of its form – the way it is made …
Art Term
Format is traditionally used to describe the shape or proportions of the support, for example the canvas, of a painting …
Art Term
Formlessness is a concept, first introduced by French writer-philosopher Georges Bataille, who argued that art should be brought ‘down in …
Art Term
Found object
A found object is a natural or man-made object, or fragment of an object, that is found (or sometimes bought) …
Art Term
Fresco is a mural painting technique that involves painting with water-based paint directly onto wet plaster so that the paint …
Art Term
Frottage is a surrealist and ‘automatic’ method of creative production that involves creating a rubbing of a textured surface using …
Art Term
Fumage is a technique in which an image is created by painting with smoke from a lighted candle into a …
Art Term
Futurism was an Italian art movement of the early twentieth century that aimed to capture in art the dynamism and …