Edouard Vuillard

Landscape - House on the Left


Edouard Vuillard 1868–1940
Original title
Paysage - Maison à gauche
Oil paint on board
Frame: 675 × 585 × 95 mm
support: 508 × 416 mm
Purchased 1931

Display caption

This shows a view of L'Etang-la-Ville, about eighteen miles west of Paris. In all probability the view is from the balcony of the painter K-X Roussel's villa with the shadow of the house in the foreground. Roussel married Vuillard's sister and settled in L'Etang-la-Ville the year before this was painted. Vuillard also painted two further oils from the same spot, depicting slightly different details of the landscape in front of the house.

Gallery label, September 2004

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Catalogue entry

Edouard Vuillard 1868-1940

N04612 Paysage - Maison à gauche (Landscape - House on the Left) 1900

Inscribed 'E. Vuillard 1900' br.
Oil on millboard, 20 x 16 3/8 (51 x 41.5)
Purchased at the Workman sale (Clarke Fund) 1931
Prov: M. Dusseuil; with Bernheim-Jeune, Paris, 1919; with Alex. Reid, Glasgow; Mrs E.R. Workman, London; Workman sale, Park Lane, London, 21 December 1931, lot 761, as 'Paysage'
Exh: [?French Pictures, McLellan Galleries, Glasgow, January 1920 (123 or 132, both entitled 'Paysage']; The CAS: Second Loan Exhibition of Foreign Paintings, M. Knoedler, London, February 1928 (35) as 'Landscape', lent by Mrs Workman; 69th Annual Exhibition, Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts, September-December 1930 (87); Edouard Vuillard, Wildenstein Gallery, London, June 1948 (18); Paintings by Pierre Bonnard and Edouard Vuillard, RSA, Edinburgh, August-September 1948 (74); Die Nabis und ihre Freunde, Kunsthalle, Mannheim, October 1963-January 1964 (314); A Man of Influence: Alex Reid 1854-1928, Scottish Arts Council Gallery, Glasgow, October-November 1968 (46); Edouard Vuillard 1868-1940, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, September-October 1971 (51, repr.); California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, November 1971-January 1972 (51, repr.); Art Institute of Chicago, January-March 1972 (51, repr.)
Repr: John Rothenstein, Modern Foreign Pictures in the Tate Gallery (London 1947), pl.83; Curt Schweicher, Vuillard (Bern 1955), pl. 22

A view at l'Etang-la-Ville, about eighteen miles west of Paris, in all probability from the balcony of the painter K.-X. Roussel's villa 'La Coulette'. (The shadow of the house appears in the foreground). Roussel, who had married Vuillard's sister, settled at l'Etang-la-Ville in 1899 and Vuillard frequently went to visit them there. Another view from the same balcony, showing more of the scene to left and right, is in the collection of Mrs Rosemary Peto, London. A picture of the other half of the house on the left is in the Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou, Musée National d'Art Moderne in Paris as 'Landscape at l'Etang-la-Ville'.

Though this picture has usually been known in recent years as 'The Red Roof, it appears in the Bernheim-Jeune records as 'Landscape - House on the Left'.

Published in:
Ronald Alley, Catalogue of the Tate Gallery's Collection of Modern Art other than Works by British Artists, Tate Gallery and Sotheby Parke-Bernet, London 1981, pp.756-7, reproduced p.756

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