Tate Modern Workshop

Schools Workshops: Autumn Term 2022

Artist explores art work in the Tate Modern Turbine Hall with two students

February 2022, Copyright Tate, Sam Day

Explore art and ideas with artist-led schools workshops

Through spending time with art and artists, the workshops offer young people the opportunity to develop the social, emotional, and intellectual skills that support them to learn about themselves and others in the world. The workshops are designed to encourage students to ask questions, develop opinions and take ownership of the gallery.

Our workshops are devised and led by artists working with Tate over the academic year. They take place in the gallery at Tate Britain and Tate Modern.

Open to all UK school groups including Primary, Secondary, Alternative Provision, and Additional Needs settings.

Five students present their sculpture made collaboratively as part of a workshop

February 2020 copyright Tate, Sam Day

Tate Modern

London SE1 9TG
Plan your visit


Every Tuesday at 10.30–12.00 and 13.00–14.30

27 September – 22 November 2022

(Excluding Tuesday 25 October 2022)