Showing 3141 of 41 art terms

Art Term


Founded by Billy Childish and Charles Thomson in 1999, Stuckism is an art movement that is anti-conceptual and champions figurative …

Art Term

Subjective photography

Subjective photography was an international movement founded in Germany by the photographer Otto Steinert in 1951 which championed photography that …

Art Term


Theory developed by Edmund Burke in the mid eighteenth century, where he defined sublime art as art that refers to …

Art Term


Supra-sensorial is a term devised by the Brazilian artist Hélio Oiticica to describe the experience of being in one of …

Art Term


Name given by the artist Kazimir Malevich to the abstract art he developed from 1913 characterised by basic geometric forms, …

Art Term


A twentieth-century literary, philosophical and artistic movement that explored the workings of the mind, championing the irrational, the poetic and …

Art Term


Late nineteenth-century movement that advocated the expression of an idea over the realistic description of the natural world

Art Term


Synaesthesia (or synesthesia) is a neurological condition in which the stimulation of a sense (like touch or hearing) leads involuntarily …

Art Term

Synthetic cubism

Synthetic cubism is the later phase of cubism, generally considered to run from about 1912 to 1914, characterised by simpler …

Art Term


Term associated with the style of symbolic representation adopted by Paul Gauguin and his followers in the 1880s characterised by …

Art Term

Systems art

Loosely describes a group of radical artists working in the late 1960s early 1970s who reacted against art’s traditional focus …