Tate Modern Conference

Fugitive Forms Performance in South Asia

Looking from above down at a woman sat on the floor with piles of wet sand around her in different shapes.

Yasmin Jahan Nupur, Lucid Sleep curated by HH Art Spaces, Serendipity Arts Festival, 2016, image credit: Dheer Kaku.

Explore the history of performance art across South Asia

This seminar explores the history of performance art and its relationship to forms of protests across South Asia. Instead of thinking of the region as a whole, the contributors present the unique political conditions and social forms under which performance practices emerged in each place and context.

Through modes and methods, frameworks and strategies, as well as the experiences and ambitions of artists and artist-run initiatives, the seminar seeks to recognise and learn from the uneven, adverse, and non-linear histories that shape the forms of performance we encounter in the region today.

Speakers include: Nikhil Chopra, Godwin Constantine, Mario D’Souza, Madhavi Gore, Sandev Handy, Salima Hashmi, Romain Loustau, Yasmin Jahan Nupur, Jagath Weerasinghe.

Convened by: Nikhil Chopra (HH Art Spaces), Mario D’Souza (Director of Programmes, Kochi Biennale Foundation), Sook-Kyung Lee (Senior Curator, International Art, Tate), Devika Singh (Senior Lecturer, Courtauld Institute of Art)

This event is part of Antibodies, a programme in partnership with The Tetley.

Organised by Hyundai Tate Research Centre: Transnational and HH Art Spaces (supported by British Council’s India/UK Together Season of Culture)

Tate Modern

Starr Cinema

London SE1 9TG
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Date & Time

22 October 2022 at 10.30–17.30


Free with ticket

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