Mark Bradford

Los Moscos


In Tate Modern

Mark Bradford born 1961
Mixed media on canvas
Support: 3179 × 4843 × 40mm
estimated size with plywood edge protection pieces attached for air travel: 3231 × 4898 × 86 - see loan notes, Feb 2020 in digital file
Presented by the American Fund for the Tate Gallery, courtesy of the American Acquisitions Committee 2012

Display caption

This large-scale collage includes materials found by the artist on the streets around his studio in Los Angeles, USA. Visually suggestive of aerial maps of sprawling, urban areas, the collage is constructed entirely from paper fragments which, the artist believes, ‘act as memory of things pasted and things past. You can peel away the layers of papers and it’s like reading the streets through the signs’. The work takes its title from a derogatory slang term for migrant day labourers in the San Francisco Bay Area, reflecting the artist’s long-standing interest in the sub-cultures of the inner city.

Gallery label, October 2016

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